Our goal is to CONNECT you with Christ, the church & the community. 

promiseland kids

promiseland kids


Nursery (1st and 2nd Services)
For ages birth - 3 years old. Parents are welcome to bring their children to the nursery at any time during the service. Our nursery staff will be there to answer any questions.

Promiseland (Currently Paused)
Children ages four - 3rd grade begin in the worship service with the adults until they are dismissed. The leader will be ready at the main doors to escort the children to the Promiseland room for a program designed just for them. 


Sunday morning service

Sunday morning service

Greeters will meet you at the door with a handshake and a smile. They are willing to help with any needs or questions and will direct you where to go. First time guests are invited to stop at the welcome desk after the service for a gift and more information about the church.

Both of our Sunday morning services feature a contemporary worship style. Come as you are, no need to dress up.

Between services, stop in the cafe for a hot drink, delicious refreshments & to meet some people. One of the best ways to get connected with our church is to hang out before or after the services to get to know us!



6 Circle Drive, Sidney, NY 13838
(607) 563-1120


9 am Worship Service
Childcare: Nursery

11 am Worship Service
Childcare: Nursery

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